Hunter Woodhall

Track and Field

“무언가를 하기 전까지는 모두 그걸 미쳤다고 할 거예요. 사람들은 보통 지금 할 수 있는 게 무엇인지 알려줄 겁니다. 남들이 기대하는 것에 집중하지말고, 여러분이 정말로 하고 싶은 일에 집중하고 그 목표에 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있는 결정을 매일 내려보세요.”

Athlete. Entrepreneur. Content Creator. Optimist.

헌터 우드홀은 종아리의 비골이 형성되지 않는 상태인 비골 무형성증을 가지고 태어난 패럴림픽 육상 메달리스트입니다. 그의 부모님은 그가 태어난 지 겨우 11개월이 되었을 때, 그의 두 다리의 무릎 아래로 절단하기로 결정했습니다.

Homeschooled until the 5th grade, the bilateral, below-knee amputee experienced bullying when he began attending public school because kids considered him different. Despite the challenges, he was encouraged by his family and enjoyed playing many sports, including soccer, baseball, basketball, wrestling and football.  He also enjoys wakeboarding and skiing.

“It took time for me to realize that being different is what makes us unique,” he says today. “Something I used to get bullied for became one of the biggest strengths I have. I also relied heavily on my friends and family to support me throughout.”

After participating in a 5k “fun run” with his family, Hunter discovered he loved – and excelled at – running. By the time he reached high school, he was challenging able-bodied runners, and competed as a member of his high school track team, where he was a five-time Utah state champion and set records in the 400 meters and 4x400 relay. Occasionally he was criticized for using running legs because they differed from his daily-use legs, but rather than become disheartened or question himself, he says, “I channeled that negativity and relied on the support of family and friends to become a better runner and climb the athletic ladder.” 

Among Hunter’s key accomplishments was serving as a member of Team USA during the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio, where he earned a silver medal in the 200m and a bronze in the 400m in the T62 category.

2017년 헌터는 NCAA(전미 대학 체육 협회) 산하 I 트랙 부문 장학금을 받아 첫 장애인 운동선수가 되었습니다. 아칸소 대학 2학년생으로서, 그는 2019년 400m 실내외 트랙에서 올 아메리칸(All-American) 선수를 거머쥐었습니다. 그 해 SEC 실외 선수권 400m 부문에서 ​ 개인 최고 기록 46.22초를 기록하기도 했습니다. 2020년, 헌터는 SEC 실내 선수권 대회에서 은메달을 획득한 대학팀의 1600m 경기의 마지막 주자(앵커)였고, COVID-19로 모든 행사가 취소로 이어지기 전, 1600m와 장거리 메들리 경주에서 NCAA 실내 선수권 대회에 출전할 자격을 얻었습니다.

Hunter says he is grateful for his relationship with his prosthetist, who has helped him find the right combination of technologies to stay mobile and competitive. “I can’t explain how much a well-fitted prosthetic impacts my daily life. Badly fit prosthetics can cause sores that keep me from running for multiple days,” he says, “But when your prosthetist understands you and your body, it makes the process of creating and changing prosthetics so much easier. In our sport precision is key, and having something who understands how to dial that in is necessary for success.”

In addition to training for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, Hunter is a popular social media content creator and an entrepreneur who runs his own clothing business. Recently, he made the decision to retire as a collegiate athlete, and continues to focus on his journey as an athlete, business-owner and social media personality.

제한 없는 삶을 살 수 있도록 한 오서의 기술을 되돌아보며, 헌터는 전합니다. “오서가 없었다면, 저는 말 그대로 뛰거나 걸을 수 없었을 것입니다. 제가 일상적으로 하는 모든 일은 저에게 평범한 삶을 주기 위해 만들어진 기술 덕분입니다. 오서는 단순히 의지를 만들어주는 것이 아니라 사람들이 자신의 꿈을 좇을 기회를 만들어 줍니다. 팀 오서로서 더 많은 사람에게 영감을 주며 가능한 것을 보여주는 데 도움이 되었으면 합니다. 제가 어렸을 때와 비슷한 상황에서 선망하고 싶은 사람이 없었기 때문에 저는 꼭 다른 사람들에게 그런 사람이 되고 싶습니다."

After having experienced criticism from others over the years, he believes it’s best not to listen to the naysayers, as he says, “It’s only crazy until you do it. People are always going to tell you what you are capable of. Don’t focus on their expectations but focus on what you want to do and make decisions every day that get you closer to that goal.”

“Once I put the blade on, I fell in love. I always tell people, when I run, I feel like I have 2 feet again.”




Competitive Class


절단 부위

양측 무릎 아래

Main Events

200m, 400m