
Forskning och studier

As a global leader in improving people’s mobility through innovative prosthetics, Össur relies on clinical research and studies to validate our prosthetic devices. Through extensive research that examines functional outcomes, lower extremity biomechanics and related healthcare economics, we can be sure we’re developing solutions that truly benefit the transtibial and transfemoral patient populations.

To ensure O&P medical professionals can make the most informed decision possible for each of their patients, we have made the results of these clinical research studies available. Science is at the heart of clinical success.

Research Grants

The Össur Prosthetic Research Grant program is designed to provide funding for scientific research on lower limb amputees in areas relevant to prosthetic devices and their uses, with the aim to further the scientific knowledge in the field of prosthetics. This can include functional outcome measures, lower extremity biomechanics and, related healthcare economics for transtibial and transfemoral patient populations.

Currently there is no Request for Proposal on going, but when a new program is initiated it will be advertised on this site. We are however open to review interesting proposals at all times. Proposals will be treated as confidential information.

Submitting Proposals

Submitted proposals should include clearly stated research hypothesis, study design and methods, comparative measures, study patient population with inclusion/exclusion criteria, study timeline, budget and any other relevant information. In addition, CV of the Principal Investigator, and identification of co-investigators should be included.

Materials should be sent electronically to Þór Friðriksson, Medical Officer at