Dimitri Pavadé

Track and Field

“I don't regret this accident, it has changed my life for the better!”

Long Jumper. Sprinter. Paralympian. Coach. Prosthetist.

Just out of high school, Dimitri was 18 years old and worked on the docks in the port of Le Port on Reunion Island.
Two days before Christmas 2007, he was seriously injured when a forklift weighing 18 tons rolled over his leg. Dimitri knew immediately that he would lose his right leg and accepted the inevitable.

In June 2008, back on his feet with a prosthetic leg, he resumed his studies while working in a supermarket.
In 2013, he decided to leave his native Reunion Island behind to study prosthetics in Dordogne, France. During his internship, he had the opportunity to test Össur running blades and hasn’t turned back since. He started a career as a para-athlete in track and field in 2015 and by 2018, he was part of the French National team and on a clear path to success.

“No matter the handicap, if you want to surpass yourself, you always succeed.”

Dimitri participated at the European Championships in Berlin in 2018, and at the 2019 World Championships in Dubai, he won the silver medal in long jump (7m25) in his category (T64). Four years after his debut in para-athletics, he competed at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo where he again won a silver medal in the long jump.

Dimitri uses the Cheetah® Xplore foot and the Cheetah® Xtreme and Cheetah® Xcel blades for sports.




Competitive Class



Below the knee

Main events

Long Jump, 100 m, 200 m