The Össur Custom Solutions App makes ordering new lower limb prosthetic sockets and custom liners a breeze. Download the Custom Solutions iPad (iPad 2 or later) App, which works with a commercially available 3D sensor, to quickly & efficiently scan limbs, add patient information, and send your order in minutes for the ultimate convenience.


  • Scan residual limbs and electronically send the information to Össur Custom Solutions in minutes. 
  • Saves hours of labor, and days of time, compared to casting and shipping casts. 
  • Secure data transmission and storage to protect patient privacy.

Get the hardware

The Custom Solutions App runs on an iPad2 (and later). Purchase the iPad from any official local or online retailer. The commercially available 3D sensor can be purchased from Structure:


If you have any questions about how to use the app, please contact Össur Custom Solutions Customer Service by email at or call 888.839.6213. Contact your Össur rep for a demo.