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Genuine Partnerships

Today there are more demands on your time than ever. To thrive, you need time to focus on your patients, their outcomes, and the continued growth of your business.

Össur Legs offers solutions to support your focus, whether it’s fabrication expertise, skilled design, a streamlined ordering process, or reliable high-quality components. From start to finish, your focus stays just where it matters most: on your patients.

The Program

Össur Legs
at a Glance

Össur Legs offers built-in flexibility, letting you select what you need, when you need it.
You get the business benefits, product quality, software and process that complement how you work.

Socket Solutions

A socket for every clinic, including unique, single-visit fitting options.

Össur Design Studio

Affordable scanning and 3D CAD to upgrade from plaster.

Össur Portal

Free Össur Portal software to easily place and track orders.

Here to Help

More than just a vendor, we seek to earn your trust as a valued business partner. We're a company founded on friendship and integrity and our hands-on approach guarantees a personal and lasting relationship.

Our high quality products are vigorously tested and verified to work together and our technicians work diligently behind the scenes to guarantee a smooth workflow. Like you, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

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