
Össur has an extensive network of offices and operational sites in the Americas, EMEA and APAC. A leading global provider of innovative mobility solutions, we have operations globally, serving a diverse geographical spread with a comprehensive portfolio of products and services.

Össur Iceland ehf. - Head Office

Manufacturing, research & development, corporate finance and global support functions.

Grjothals 1 - 5, 110 Reykjavik, Iceland
Tel: + (354) 515 1300
Fax: + (354) 515 1366
Email: ossur@ossur.com

Össur Americas

Distribution, manufacturing facilities, R&D, sales & marketing and supporting services for the Americas region.

200 Spectrum Center Drive, Ste 700, Irvine, CA 92618
Toll free: 1-800-233-6263
Tel: 949-382-3883
Email: ossurusa@ossur.com

Össur Europe BV

Distribution, sales & marketing and other services for Europe, the Nordic region and Emerging Markets.

De Schakel 70, PO Box 120, 5651 GH Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: 0800 0223719
Fax: 0031 (0)499 462 841
Email: saleseurope@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.nl/

Other Locations

Össur Americas - Ohio

Össur Custom Solutions, Upper Limb
6640 Riverside Dr, Suite 360
Dublin, OH, 43017

Össur Americas - Orlando

Össur Custom Solutions, Lower Limb
9545 S John Young Parkway, Ste #100
Orlando, FL, 32819

Össur Australia

26 Ross Street
North Parramatta NSW 2151
Tel: + 61 2 8838 2800
Fax: +61 2 9630 5310
Email: infosydney@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/en-au/

Össur Canada

2150 – 6900 Graybar Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, V6W OA5
Toll free: + (800) 663 5982
Tel: 604-241-8152
Fax: + (866) 441 3880
Email: ossurcanada@ossur.com

Össur China

2F, W16 B
No. 1801 Hongmei Road
200233, Shanghai
Tel: +(86 21) 6127 1707
Fax: +(86 21) 6127 1799
Email: asia@ossur.com

Össur Hong Kong Limited

Uni 05, 5F, Technology Park,

No. 18 On Lai Street, Shek Mun,


Hong Kong

Tel: + (852) 2331 8166

Fax:: +(852) 2331 8186

Email: asia@ossur.com

Össur France

Ecully Parc - Entrance B
21, Rue de la Sauvegarde
69130 Ecully
Tel: +800 3539 3668
Fax: +800 3539 3299
Email: orders.france@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/fr-fr

Össur Germany (DACH)

Melli-Beese-Str. 11
50829 Köln
Tel: 0800 180 8379
Fax: 0800 180 8387
Email: info-deutschland@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/de-de

Össur Iberia

c/ Caléndula, 93 - Miniparc III
Edificio E, Despacho M18
28109 El Soto de la Moraleja, Alcobendas – Madrid
Tel: 00800 3539 3668
Fax: 00800 3539 3299
Email: orders.spain@ossur.com
Email: orders.portugal@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/es-es

Össur India

207B, 2nd Floor
Rectangle one, District Centre
Saket, New Delhi - 110017
Tel: 1-800-3000-6220
Email: ossurindia@ossur.comcom
Web: www.ossur.com/en-in/

Össur Italy

Via Dante Mezzetti, 14
40054 Budrio (BO)
Tel: + 39 051 6920852
Fax: +39 051 6922977
Email: contact.italy@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/it-it/

Össur Japan G.K.

FORECAST Kameido, 8F
2-27-7 Kameido, Koto-ku
Tokyo, Japan

Tel: + 81 (03) 5609-7441

Össur Korea

서울시 구로구 디지털로 33길 27 삼성IT밸리 207호 08038

전화 02 868 5482
팩스 02 868 5483
메일 ossurkorea@ossur.com

구글 지도

Össur Mexico

ProLogis Park – Alamar, Building #1
Blvd. Hector Teran Teran #2102
Col. Cañon del Padre
Tijuana, Baja California, México
C.P. 22206

Tel.: 52 1 664 231 6500
Fax: +52 1 664 231 6470 (direct dial to Mexico)

Össur New Zealand

unit 6
80 Westpoint Drive
Auckland 0618
New Zealand

Össur Nordic

Kistagången 12
SE-164 40 Kista
Tel: +46 (0) 18 18 22 00
Fax: +46 (0) 18 18 22 18
Email: info@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/se-sv

Össur Schweiz AG

Hans Huber-Strasse 38
4500 Solothurn

Tel +41 (0) 800 344 000
Fax +41 (0) 800 344 001

Email: info-schweiz@ossur.com

Össur Singapore

176 Orchard Road #05-05
The Centrepoint
Singapore 238843
Tel: +65 6397 7190
Fax: +65 6397 7187
Email: enquiriessg@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/en-sg/

Össur South Africa

Unit 1
Stonewood Business Park
9 Tanzanite Crescent
Cape Town

Tel: + 0860 888 123
Fax: + 021 981 8925
Email: infosa@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/en-za/

Össur UK

Unit No.1
Hamilton Road
Tel: +44 8450 065 065
Fax: +44 330 808 3926
Email: ukinfo@ossur.com
Web: www.ossur.com/en-gb/

Össur UK - Scotland

Integration House
Alba Business Park
West Lothian
EH54 7EG
Tel: + 01506 438556