Ӧssur Academy

Össur Academy offers a wide variety of courses that run throughout the year at our Academy facility in Melbourne, Victoria. The courses are designed to provide in-depth education for clinicians, in an environment that is removed from the everyday distractions of a busy clinic.  

Please register your interest or contact [email protected] to request further information.  

Course Offerings

Össur MPK Solutions (Feb)

Optimising Outcomes with new MPK technology from Össur.

Participants will learn about Össurs new waterproof MPK, including:

- Features and benefits

- Prescription considerations

- Alignment and programming

- Initial gait training techniques to help the user get the most out of their prosthesis

Participants will also learn about the benefit of Power, with an overview and demonstration of the Power Knee.

This course is aimed at Prosthetists looking to learn more about this new technology.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand the features and benefits of the Ossur Bionic range, including medical benefits and prescription considerations. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand how to align and programme Össur’s Bionic range

- Understand how to utilise Össur Logic to optimise function

- Understand how to select an appropriate foot to complement Össur’s MPKs

Understand prescription considerations and the medical benefits of Össur’s Bionic range.

When: Wednesday 26th February, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

College Park Solutions (March)

This Academy course will focus on the College Park range, providing education on the full range of offerings. The features and benefits, prescription considerations and alignment will be covered, and a patient model will be present, allowing the attendees to get hands on experience fitting various products and optimising alignment.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will gain insight into the appropriate prescription of the College Park range. They will demonstrate a better understanding of the functions, applications and alignment of the products. They will also be able to recognize which products are waterproof and weatherproof. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Differentiate between the various foot and knee designs

- Understand the medical benefits of the feet and knees

- Recognise the individual feet and knees and understand appropriate prescription

When: Tuesday 4th March, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Direct Socket TF Course (March)

The Direct Socket TF System is a new and innovative way of making a Transfemoral socket, directly onto the users residual limb. Utilising appropriate liner size and selection, a silicon brim, and either Basalt or Glass fibre braids, the socket is directly laminated to the user, with the whole process taking no more than 2 hours. The Direct Socket TF can be utilised with Seal-In, Unity Elevated Vacuum and Locking suspension, making it suitable for a wide range of users. This course will take place over 2 days at the Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, with multiple Direct Sockets made by the participants, with guidance to ensure the attending clinicians gain hands on experience and confidence with this new technique. Patient models will be fit with the Direct Sockets, appropriate Liners, Locks or valves, and troubleshooting techniques will also be covered.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand the Direct Socket TF process, compatible interfaces, suspension options and components. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand liner sizing and selection

- Understand user profile

- Understand TF alignment and complementary components

- Understand troubleshooting techniques

When: Tuesday 25th- Wednesday 26th March 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Connect TF and Mechanical Knees (April)

Connect TF is an adjustable socket indicated for low active amputees. The open socket donning feature designed into the on/off tensioning handle, helps ease of donning and doffing while the user is in sitting position. Connect TF can be custom fitted by a certified prosthetist and adjusted throughout the socket lifetime in height, angle and circumference. Participants will learn how to fit the Connect TF Socket, and optimise the fit to a patient model.

Complementary Mechanical knee and foot systems will also be covered, in conjunction, including appropriate prescription considerations.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand sizing, liner selection, and how to optimise the fit of a Connect TF socket. Post completion participants are also able to:

- Select appropriate Connect TF Socket size

- Understand how to adjust the socket to optimise fit

- Be aware of the complimentary mechanical knee and feet options for appropriate prescription

- Differentiate between mechanical knee designs.

- Differentiate between stance mechanisms and swing mechanisms

- Recognise the individual knees and relate them to the relevant categories that they belong to.

When: Wednesday 2nd April, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Pro-Flex Family - Introducing the New Pro-Flex Terra (April)

Össur is excited to launch the new Pro-Flex Terra foot, and innovative new foot combining the performance expected from a high-active Pro-Flex foot with the adaptability and control needed for diverse everyday activities.

With pre-tensioned carbon unit, pre-compressed foam, and a single anchor point with gliding contact pad, Pro-Flex Terra is the next evolution in prosthetic foot technology. It combines natural ankle motion, explosive power, and a new level of control and comfort so you can live life on your terms.

Pro-Flex Terra combines the performance expected from a high-active Pro-Flex foot with the compliance and control needed in everyday life. Pre-tensioned carbon technology means the foot is always working to absorb the environment so you can move and stand comfortably all day.

Participants will also get an introduction to Pivot technology, the Pro-Flex Pivot provides improved ankle range of motion, a powerful push off and improved progression of the center of pressure movement, helping to reduce impact on the sound side. Participants are shown how to optimise performance outcomes for their clients by learning how to select and fit the Pro-Flex family foot range. Participants will work through setting up select feet with a patient model. The complete range of Pro-Flex family products are covered, with focus on candidate selection, category and impact selection, alignment, and adjustment techniques.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will gain insight into the appropriate prescription of the Pro-Flex family of feet. They will demonstrate a better understanding of the functions, applications and alignment of the feet. They will also be able to recognize which feet are waterproof, weatherproof and Unity compatible. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Differentiate between the various foot designs

- Understand the medical benefits of the feet

- Recognise the individual feet and understand appropriate prescription

When: Wednesday 9th April, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Össur Academy Course Introduction (April)

Össur is excited to launch our new Össur Academy Courses, based in our Academy Facility in Melbourne.

This introductory course is aimed at Prosthetist wanting to gain a high-level understanding of the full Össur range of solutions and gain insight into the in-depth course offerings in 2025.

This course will introduce Össur’s Post Operative solutions, Liner range, and Socket technologies - including Direct Socket and Connect TF. A practical demonstration of Direct Socket TT will also be included.

Össur’s Mechanical Knee range, Pro-Flex family of feet and innovative Bionic range will also be covered.

Participants will gain an understanding of the clinical solutions Össur has to offer and are welcome to register for further Academy courses based on interest and need.

When: Wednesday, 23rd April, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Össur TT Solutions (May)

Ӧssur has a wide range of Interface and suspension systems suitable for K1-K4 users. This course will look at the features of benefits and prescription considerations.

This course includes Iceross Liners and Suspension Systems presentation covering:

- Liner Technology

- Iceross® Concept and Sizing

- Locking and Seal-in Liner Range

- Unity® Elevated Vacuum

Participants will learn how to take a plaster cast using the Icecast system, as well as a handcasting with a patient model, with cast modification covered.

Diagnostic sockets will be fitted, and fitting techniques and troubleshooting will be covered.

The Pro-Flex family of feet will also be covered in a presentation, with participants gaining hands on experience with selected Pro-Flex family feet on a patient model.

Participants will gain insight into Iceross liners and suspension systems, understanding how to evaluate, size and prescribe optimal interfaces and suspension. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Utilise the Icecast system and standardised hand casting method

- Understand the modification process

- Fit diagnostic socket and evaluate fit

- Be aware of complimentary feet options for appropriate prescription

When: Tuesday 6th - Wednesday 7th May, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Össur MPK Solutions (May)

Optimising Outcomes with new MPK technology from Össur.

Participants will learn about Össur's new waterproof MPK, including:

- Features and benefits

- Prescription considerations

- Alignment and programming

- Initial gait training techniques to help the user get the most out of their prosthesis

Participants will also learn about the benefit of Power, with an overview and demonstration of the Power Knee.

This course is aimed at Prosthetists looking to learn more about this new technology.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand the features and benefits of the Ossur Bionic range, including medical benefits and prescription considerations. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand how to align and programme Össur’s Bionic range

- Understand how to utilise Össur Logic to optimise function

- Understand how to select an appropriate foot to complement Össur’s MPKs

Understand prescription considerations and the medical benefits of Össur’s Bionic range.

When: Wednesday 21st May, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

College Park Solutions (May)

This Academy course will focus on the College Park range, providing education on the full range of offerings. The features and benefits, prescription considerations and alignment will be covered, and a patient model will be present, allowing the attendees to get hands on experience fitting various products and optimising alignment.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will gain insight into the appropriate prescription of the College Park range. They will demonstrate a better understanding of the functions, applications and alignment of the products. They will also be able to recognize which products are waterproof and weatherproof. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Differentiate between the various foot and knee designs

- Understand the medical benefits of the feet and knees

- Recognise the individual feet and knees and understand appropriate prescription

When: Tuesday 27th May, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Optimising Outcomes with Össur UL Solutions (June)

The course is aimed at both Prosthetists and OTs working with UL clients, and will focus on Ӧssur bionic partial hand devices, full hand and body driven devices, as well as cosmetic solutions. Attendees will also be trained on utilising the Virtu-limb for myo-testing and Biosim for programming i-digits and i-limb, and also functional training techniques – with a focus on OT and hand Therapy. The Naked Prosthetics intake, candidacy and assessment process will also be covered.

When: Wednesday 4th - Thursday 5th June, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Direct Socket TT Course (June)

Direct Socket TT is an innovated method of fabricating a definitive socket directly on the user. From start to finish, the Direct Socket System can be fabricated and fit to a transtibial client in under 2 hours. The simplicity and efficiency of fit makes it the perfect solution for remote clinics and hospital settings. Learn how to fabricate the Direct Socket prosthesis using the direct lamination method, with improved material choices and even easier fabrication technique. It can be utilised with a wide range of suspension methods including Iceross Seal-In X-Locking, Seal-In, Cushion and Locking, and is compatible with the Icelock 562 Hybrid lock, Icelock 544 plates, the 511 series as well as the Icelock 214 and 600 series. Assembly is completed using all the compatible valves and locks where appropriate, demonstrating on a model patient using Seal-In, Cushion and Locking Liners.

This hands-on course takes place over 2 days, at the Össur Academy facility in Melbourne. It will include a demonstration of the technique on a patient model, with the participants then making multiple direct sockets on different patient models, with support, to gain hands on experience with the technique. Patient models will be fit with the Direct Sockets, appropriate Liners, Locks or valves, and troubleshooting techniques will be covered.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Participants will understand the Direct Socket TT process, and compatible interface, suspension options and components. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand liner sizing and selection

- Understand user profile

- Understand TT alignment and complementary components

- Understand troubleshooting techniques

When: Tuesday 24th - Wednesday 25th June, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Pro-Flex Family - Introducing the New Pro-Flex Terra (July)

Össur is excited to launch the new Pro-Flex Terra foot, and innovative new foot combining the performance expected from a high-active Pro-Flex foot with the adaptability and control needed for diverse everyday activities.

With pre-tensioned carbon unit, pre-compressed foam, and a single anchor point with gliding contact pad, Pro-Flex Terra is the next evolution in prosthetic foot technology. It combines natural ankle motion, explosive power, and a new level of control and comfort so you can live life on your terms.

Pro-Flex Terra combines the performance expected from a high-active Pro-Flex foot with the compliance and control needed in everyday life. Pre-tensioned carbon technology means the foot is always working to absorb the environment so you can move and stand comfortably all day.

Participants will also get an introduction to Pivot technology, the Pro-Flex Pivot provides improved ankle range of motion, a powerful push off and improved progression of the center of pressure movement, helping to reduce impact on the sound side. Participants are shown how to optimise performance outcomes for their clients by learning how to select and fit the Pro-Flex family foot range. Participants will work through setting up select feet with a patient model. The complete range of Pro-Flex family products are covered, with focus on candidate selection, category and impact selection, alignment, and adjustment techniques.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will gain insight into the appropriate prescription of the Pro-Flex family of feet. They will demonstrate a better understanding of the functions, applications and alignment of the feet. They will also be able to recognize which feet are waterproof, weatherproof and Unity compatible. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Differentiate between the various foot designs

- Understand the medical benefits of the feet

- Recognise the individual feet and understand appropriate prescription

When: Wednesday 9th July, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Direct Socket TF Course (July)

The Direct Socket TF System is a new and innovative way of making a Transfemoral socket, directly onto the users residual limb. Utilising appropriate liner size and selection, a silicon brim, and either Basalt or Glass fibre braids, the socket is directly laminated to the user, with the whole process taking no more than 2 hours. The Direct Socket TF can be utilised with Seal-In, Unity Elevated Vacuum and Locking suspension, making it suitable for a wide range of users. This course will take place over 2 days at the Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, with multiple Direct Sockets made by the participants, with guidance to ensure the attending clinicians gain hands on experience and confidence with this new technique. Patient models will be fit with the Direct Sockets, appropriate Liners, Locks or valves, and troubleshooting techniques will also be covered.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand the Direct Socket TF process, compatible interfaces, suspension options and components. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand liner sizing and selection

- Understand user profile

- Understand TF alignment and complementary components

- Understand troubleshooting techniques

When: Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th July

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Direct Socket TT Course (Aug)

Direct Socket TT is an innovated method of fabricating a definitive socket directly on the user. From start to finish, the Direct Socket System can be fabricated and fit to a transtibial client in under 2 hours. The simplicity and efficiency of fit makes it the perfect solution for remote clinics and hospital settings. Learn how to fabricate the Direct Socket prosthesis using the direct lamination method, with improved material choices and even easier fabrication technique. It can be utilised with a wide range of suspension methods including Iceross Seal-In X-Locking, Seal-In, Cushion and Locking, and is compatible with the Icelock 562 Hybrid lock, Icelock 544 plates, the 511 series as well as the Icelock 214 and 600 series. Assembly is completed using all the compatible valves and locks where appropriate, demonstrating on a model patient using Seal-In, Cushion and Locking Liners.

This hands-on course takes place over 2 days, at the Össur Academy facility in Melbourne. It will include a demonstration of the technique on a patient model, with the participants then making multiple direct sockets on different patient models, with support, to gain hands on experience with the technique. Patient models will be fit with the Direct Sockets, appropriate Liners, Locks or valves, and troubleshooting techniques will be covered.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Participants will understand the Direct Socket TT process, and compatible interface, suspension options and components. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand liner sizing and selection

- Understand user profile

- Understand TT alignment and complementary components

- Understand troubleshooting techniques

When: Tuesday 12th - Wednesday 13th August, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

College Park Solutions (Aug)

This Academy course will focus on the College Park range, providing education on the full range of offerings. The features and benefits, prescription considerations and alignment will be covered, and a patient model will be present, allowing the attendees to get hands on experience fitting various products and optimising alignment.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will gain insight into the appropriate prescription of the College Park range. They will demonstrate a better understanding of the functions, applications and alignment of the products. They will also be able to recognize which products are waterproof and weatherproof. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Differentiate between the various foot and knee designs

- Understand the medical benefits of the feet and knees

- Recognise the individual feet and knees and understand appropriate prescription

When: Wednesday 27th August, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Össur Academy Course Introduction (Sep)

Össur is excited to launch our new Össur Academy Courses, based in our Academy Facility in Melbourne.

This introductory course is aimed at Prosthetist wanting to gain a high-level understanding of the full Össur range of solutions and gain insight into the in-depth course offerings in 2025.

This course will introduce Össur’s Post Operative solutions, Liner range, and Socket technologies - including Direct Socket and Connect TF. A practical demonstration of Direct Socket TT will also be included.

Össur’s Mechanical Knee range, Pro-Flex family of feet and innovative Bionic range will also be covered.

Participants will gain an understanding of the clinical solutions Össur has to offer and are welcome to register for further Academy courses based on interest and need.

When: Wednesday 3rd September, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Össur MPK Solutions (Sept)

Optimising Outcomes with new MPK technology from Össur.

Participants will learn about Össur's new waterproof MPK, including:

- Features and benefits

- Prescription considerations

- Alignment and programming

- Initial gait training techniques to help the user get the most out of their prosthesis

Participants will also learn about the benefit of Power, with an overview and demonstration of the Power Knee.

This course is aimed at Prosthetists looking to learn more about this new technology.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand the features and benefits of the Ossur Bionic range, including medical benefits and prescription considerations. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand how to align and programme Össur’s Bionic range

- Understand how to utilise Össur Logic to optimise function

- Understand how to select an appropriate foot to complement Össur’s MPKs

Understand prescription considerations and the medical benefits of Össur’s Bionic range.

When: Wednesday 17th September, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Optimising Outcomes for UL Course (Sept)

The course is aimed at both Prosthetists and OTs working with UL clients, and will focus on Ӧssur bionic partial hand devices, full hand and body driven devices, as well as cosmetic solutions. Attendees will also be trained on utilising the Virtu-limb for myo-testing and Biosim for programming i-digits and i-limb, and also functional training techniques – with a focus on OT and hand Therapy. The Naked Prosthetics intake, candidacy and assessment process will also be covered.

When: Tuesday 30th Sept- Wednesday 1st Oct, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Ӧssur TT Solutions (Nov)

Ӧssur has a wide range of Interface and suspension systems suitable for K1-K4 users. This course will look at the features of benefits and prescription considerations.

This course includes Iceross Liners and Suspension Systems presentation covering:

- Liner Technology

- Iceross® Concept and Sizing

- Locking and Seal-in Liner Range

- Unity® Elevated Vacuum

Participants will learn how to take a plaster cast using the Icecast system, as well as a handcasting with a patient model, with cast modification covered.

Diagnostic sockets will be fitted, and fitting techniques and troubleshooting will be covered.

The Pro-Flex family of feet will also be covered in a presentation, with participants gaining hands on experience with selected Pro-Flex family feet on a patient model.

Participants will gain insight into Iceross liners and suspension systems, understanding how to evaluate, size and prescribe optimal interfaces and suspension. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Utilise the Icecast system and standardised hand casting method

- Understand the modification process

- Fit diagnostic socket and evaluate fit

- Be aware of complimentary feet options for appropriate prescription

When: Tuesday 11th - Wednesday 12th Nov, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Direct Socket TF Course (Nov)

The Direct Socket TF System is a new and innovative way of making a Transfemoral socket, directly onto the users residual limb. Utilising appropriate liner size and selection, a silicon brim, and either Basalt or Glass fibre braids, the socket is directly laminated to the user, with the whole process taking no more than 2 hours. The Direct Socket TF can be utilised with Seal-In, Unity Elevated Vacuum and Locking suspension, making it suitable for a wide range of users. This course will take place over 2 days at the Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, with multiple Direct Sockets made by the participants, with guidance to ensure the attending clinicians gain hands on experience and confidence with this new technique. Patient models will be fit with the Direct Sockets, appropriate Liners, Locks or valves, and troubleshooting techniques will also be covered.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will understand the Direct Socket TF process, compatible interfaces, suspension options and components. Post completion, participants will also be able to:

- Understand liner sizing and selection

- Understand user profile

- Understand TF alignment and complementary components

- Understand troubleshooting techniques

When: Tuesday 25th - Wednesday 26th November 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC

Pro-Flex Family – Introducing the new Pro-Flex Terra (Dec)

Össur is excited to launch the new Pro-Flex Terra foot, and innovative new foot combining the performance expected from a high-active Pro-Flex foot with the adaptability and control needed for diverse everyday activities.

With pre-tensioned carbon unit, pre-compressed foam, and a single anchor point with gliding contact pad, Pro-Flex Terra is the next evolution in prosthetic foot technology. It combines natural ankle motion, explosive power, and a new level of control and comfort so you can live life on your terms.

Pro-Flex Terra combines the performance expected from a high-active Pro-Flex foot with the compliance and control needed in everyday life. Pre-tensioned carbon technology means the foot is always working to absorb the environment so you can move and stand comfortably all day.

Participants will also get an introduction to Pivot technology, the Pro-Flex Pivot provides improved ankle range of motion, a powerful push off and improved progression of the center of pressure movement, helping to reduce impact on the sound side. Participants are shown how to optimise performance outcomes for their clients by learning how to select and fit the Pro-Flex family foot range. Participants will work through setting up select feet with a patient model. The complete range of Pro-Flex family products are covered, with focus on candidate selection, category and impact selection, alignment, and adjustment techniques.

Intended learning outcomes:

Participants will gain insight into the appropriate prescription of the Pro-Flex family of feet. They will demonstrate a better understanding of the functions, applications and alignment of the feet. They will also be able to recognize which feet are waterproof, weatherproof and Unity compatible. Post completion, participants are also able to:

- Differentiate between the various foot designs

- Understand the medical benefits of the feet

- Recognise the individual feet and understand appropriate prescription

When: Tuesday 9th December, 2025

Where: Össur Academy facility in Melbourne, 9 Market Drive, Bayswater North, VIC